At one of those breakspots, a classic Moab introduction (and possibly the highlight of the ride for me), took place. Angela Carter looks at me and says "Tim, (pause) I know you." Then, before she could utter another word, I blurted out "Angela, (pause) I know you too." A couple of people started laughing and we exclaimed, "only in Moab."
Overall the weather was pretty generous to our congregation. It was a bit windy, but the sun did peek it's head out a few times and threw some heat our way. I was just psyched to pedal outside and mingle with folks I don't get to see every day.
I had to peel off early to get the four-legged zombies out for some playtime. But I can guarantee you I'll be back for more Sunday service.
Tim, I love your writing style. Thanks for blogging.