But we all know riding outside is much better on your constitution. And today it allowed me to test drive a couple of new pieces of gear.
Woolistic makes bitchin' old school wool jerseys that, to date, I have been at a loss to find anything negative to say other than purchasing one will make your wallet very sad. Let us look past the price tag for a moment. First off, this little beauty is made of wool. Wool is a natural fiber, it's warm(even when wet), and it doesn't stink after six rides. And, wool doesn't feel like plastic. Now let's get to the aesthetics. I know what you are saying, jeesums that thing is yelloooo. Yes it is, but look in the middle. There it is in big ole letters "WOLF". Now I ask you, what would instill fear into your fiercest competitor like the word WOLF in their face set on a blood-red background. Yep, that red stripe ended up on your jersey when you and your new-found fangs were out eviscerating the competition. And you see those two axes on the sleeve(also drenched in blood), that's just to finish them off and turn their bikes into a piles of mangled carbon. Let's face it, this jersey is both stylish and menacing. And to be quite honest, I hope I never do a ride where another person is wearing the WOLF, because things could get quite ugly.
Last up is my new cap. I made it myself from a pattern I found on the inter-web. I chopped up a scarf I paid a buck for at the thrift shop, and used a kleenex box for the brim. It fits real nice, keeps my noggin' warm and it don't look half bad.
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